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Music & Dances

Published on: 2012-06-05 22:03:27
A presentation of the Musical Instruments, the Music and Dances of the Cretans

Lyra and Laouto are the basic instruments in Cretan Music, while most dances are full of energy.

Cretans are dynamic and strong, thus the music and the dances are full of energy. The music rhythm is inspired by the braveness in fighting and most traditional lyrics are related to values such as the family, the love, the friendship and most of all the honour and dignity. The idea of integrating moves resembling battles comes from the ancient times. All dances are group dances and only certain dancing figures are danced by a single person. Pentozalis and Malevizotis are dances where musicians are playing Lyra and Laouto very quickly and dancers are dancing complicatedly. Siganos and Syrtos are simpler and slower dances, easy to learn while Sousta is danced in pairs.

Cretan Lyra is the basic instrument in cretan music. - Cretan Lyra is the basic instrument in cretan music.
Traditional askomandoura (askavlos) is made of male lamb skin, it is currently rarely used. - Traditional askomandoura (askavlos) is made of male lamb skin, it is currently rarely used.
Laouto gives the rythm in cretan dances. - Laouto gives the rythm in cretan dances.